Some guys told me to distribute the matchdays throughout the half year. They said problems could occur if the matchdays are distribute only on the weekends. The problem would be, that the community (AssaultCube) could split into two parts, because the one half community will just play and train for the ACCL and just be like never on publics etc. and the other half community (which isn't that large) will be leave ac, because just noobs are playing ac and none pro-gamer is there...Just to open this discuss-option.
The ACCL is a league for clans. A clan will fight vs every other clan which participate the league. The clan with the most points at the end of the season will be the winner.
To join the Ac-Clan-League, you have to be on the teamlist from your clan. Only a Clanleader can sign in a Member. The clan leader have to write a message to the support, with all names, from his players, who want to play the ACCL.